

We offer the following range of services:paypal-logo-transparent



Free - at present. 

General Family History:

€275 - €385 (min. to max. based on 5-7 hours research)

Expanded Family History:

Price agreed subject to individual requirements.

Descendant Family History:

Price agreed subject to individual requirements.

Ancestor Biography:

€250 - €300 (average cost of commission -  discuss in advance).

House History:

Beginning at €299.

Specific Queries:

Priced individually.

Record Retrieval:

Priced individually depending on request



€125 per half day (4 hours)
€175 per full day (7.5 hours)


Priced individually.


Genealogy gift packages are available  -  priced individually.

* Costs for all our services will be provided at Assessment stage.  Record/search fees for commissioned research charged at cost price only - we do not impose any cover charge or hidden extras.  Please note all assessments take time to complete - PLEASE DO NOT request an assessment unless you are seriously considering undertaking research.       


Not everyone has set requirements so it is important to know that we offer a flexible arrangement regarding our services and pricing for your genealogical needs.


In recent years, Irish genealogical research has experienced an explosion in the number of records available online. Consequently, it has also experienced a similar explosion in the number of people researching their families, and indeed an explosion in those offering to do the research for you. Irish Genealogy Services operates an honest and genuine service, run by a full time and professionally trained, Irish based researcher (see About).


Once we have carried out an initial assessment, and research has been commissioned by you, we will maintain contact with you, keeping you up-to-date with how the research is progressing. If at any stage we feel that the research is not as productive as initially suggested, or if we hit the proverbial genealogist ‘brick wall’, we will let you know and we will be happy to discuss a refund. Our policy is honesty and openness and we hope for the same in return.